
New immigration policy…
By Bishop Gerald Barnes The family is the fundamental center of human life. The love, support and formation that takes place within a family—shared by a father and mother with their children—is essential to the fulfillment of God’s plan for us as individuals and as community. This cannot be overstated. Through the leadership and writings […]

The Society of…
Superior General Fr. Heinz Kulüke, SVD, opened the 18th General Chapter during the Mass on 17th June at Centro Ad Gentes in Nemi, . The ceremony was a simple but meaningful one. Everybody gathered outside the Nemi Chapel. Each of the zones were called out by the general council members using scripture passages. Fr. General […]

Memorial of Mary,…
Vatican City: On Saturday, the Vatican announced Pope Francis’ decision that the Church celebrate the Blessed Virgin Mary in her role as “Mother of the Church” every year on the Monday after Pentecost, as a way to foster Marian piety and the maternal sense of the Church. The decree establishing the memorial was published March […]

LCWR Denounces Administration’s…
The Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR) is deeply troubled by the decision of the Trump administration to terminate Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for more than 57,000 Hondurans. Honduras is the seventh country whose citizens have been stripped of their right to protection by this administration. “Rescinding TPS from human beings under continuing threat of […]

Priest and Rabbi…
Wordnet Productions recently filmed a series of programs by a priest and a rabbi. The programs are based on various topics that concerns both the religious communities like, prayer, workshop, scriptures etc. The program has been produced as a collaborative venture through the contact Rabbi Hillel Cohn from San Bernardino, the American Jewish University in Los […]

Dancing for Christ
Wordnet produced a special dance program presented by well known liturgical dancer John West and team. The dance is based on the story of raising Lazarus. John West is a highly acclaimed liturgical dancer who has his workshop and performance every year at the coveted Los Angeles Religious Education Congress. Sr. Dianne Bergant, CSA also […]

Kidnapped schoolgirl refused…
When Nigeria’s Boko Haram militants returned the abducted Dapchi schoolgirls to their families last week, they held-on to Leah Sharibu because she refused to renounce her Christian faith. Source: Vatican News. Leah is believed to be the only schoolgirl still in Boko Haram captivity after the group last week released 107 students that its militants […]

Boko Haram returns…
“Boko Haram returns girls to Nigerian town” reads the headline in the March 22, 2018 LA Times. “A month after the kidnapping, the militants bring back the students along with a warning.” The number returned of the original 110 is unknown at this point. But the warning states “We did it out of pity. And […]

Without a home…
“Lady! Beautiful lady,” calls out Sister Rosaline Vu, opening the driver’s side door of the metallic Toyota van that has 94,000 hard stop-and-go miles on it. In her plain blue habit, she walks up to a dome tent back from the sidewalk. She says softly, “OK, wake up, Maria,” peeking inside. A short woman wearing […]

Field Trip at…
The students of Platt College, Ontario Campus spent their one day field trip program at Wordnet Productions on Monday, February 26, 2018. They were led by their teacher and guide Jessica Gonzales. The history of Wordnet and its mission and ministry was shared with them so also some of the primary principles of media and […]

Ronnie Rush
Former altar boy from Our Lady of Lourdes in Southern California writes about his life and experiences with a world famous group and how his Catholic background got him through it all, including how Fr. Spitzer’s program brought him closer to his belief system since growing up, beliefs that he held with such high regard […]

St. Padre Pio…
Catholic churches in San Bernardino and Riverside will play host to official relics of St. Padre Pio in March as part of a U.S. tour commemorating the 50th Anniversary of his death.The Saint Pio Foundation wrote Bishop Gerald Barnes in October, inviting the Diocese to host the relics of the Italian priest, who enjoys a […]

Missing One Week…
The Nigerian government has confirmed that 110 girls are missing after suspected Boko Haram militants attacked a school in the northeast of the country last week. The kidnapping is believed to be the largest abduction since Boko Haram kidnapped 276 girls from their school in Chibok almost four years ago. On Feb. 19, armed insurgents […]

U.S. Catholics urged…
The president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops encouraged Catholics across the nation to join with Pope Francis Feb. 23 for a special day of prayer and fasting for peace, with special prayers for Congo and South Sudan. “Tragically, violent conflict rages in both nations” and “innocent families suffer” in both countries, said Cardinal […]

San Bernardino Diocese…
The annual Diocesan Mass celebrating Consecrated Life was held on Sunday, January 28th, at Our Lady of the Rosary Cathedral, San Bernardino with Very Rev. Romy Selección, MS, EV, presiding. Honored at the Mass were jubilarians Sr. Bernadette Philia Okonkwo, DMMM (25 years) and Sr. Patricia Phillips, SHCJ (60 years). Sr. Patricia is the Executive […]

Chicago priest pledges…
CHICAGO – As of January 25, Father Gary Graf hasn’t had solid food in 10 days. He has committed to a hunger strike in support of the “Dreamers,” the several hundred thousand illegal immigrants granted protected under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. Based out of St. Procopius Church in the city’s traditionally […]

Pope Francis’ World…
Pope Francis released his World Communications Day message this week, focusing on the perils of perpetuating ‘fake-news’ and the responsibility of all to discern and propagate only truth through media channels. While World Communications Day 2018 takes place May 13, the Pope’s January 24 released statement, “The truth will set you free: fake-news and journalism […]

In Holy Land,…
JIFNA, West Bank – Building walls, whether between Israel and the Palestinian territories or the United States and Mexico, can only serve to separate people and create more isolation, said Auxiliary Bishop Eusebio L. Elizondo of Seattle. “Walls can’t bring any positive aspect to any country,” he said Jan. 21, during a visit to this […]

Peace Corps Transforms…
Suzy Gonzalez joined the Peace Corps as a newly minted Georgetown University graduate, with a degree in Justice and Peace Studies, a program focused on “empowering vulnerable populations. “I wanted to go and live the experience firsthand. I wanted to see how the people lived and to find a way to make a difference.” Gonzalez […]

Francis@Five: Assessing the…
NEW YORK – Two prominent Catholics, Massimo Faggioli, Professor of Theology at Villanova University, and Ross Douthat, a New York Times op-ed columnist, will debate the legacy of Pope Francis and his controversial pontificate on Wednesday evening, January 31, 2018. The discussion, which comes as Francis is set to mark the fifth anniversary of his […]

Pope Marries Flight…
For the first time in Papal history Pope Francis officially married two flight attendants on the Papal plane. Carlos and Paula who were civilly married tied the knot with Pope Francis performing the ceremony. The couple had tried to marry in 2010. The ceremony had to be called off because of the 2010 earthquake in […]