Fr. Nguyen invites you on a scriptural journey of the use of walls and borders from Old Testament to the New Testament and its purpose compared to modern day use in and around the world today.
“Walls can be useful but they can also create an exclusivity of privilege and fear.”
To date, there are 77 walls around the world that were built to protect from terrorism since the 911 event in New York, USA. From the Great Wall of China, to the Mexico border, the oldest standing wall is in Jericho and is recorded in the Old Testament.
Fr. Nguyen will connect the use of walls from the Exodus stories of Moses fleeing Egypt as a migrant to the New Testament stories of Christ and the journey of the Holy Family as refugees.
People move for many reasons, but as Pope Francis says, “We must avoid barriers to human interrelationships”, we must be bridge builders and tear down the walls of separation. Are you ready to learn more and raise awareness about the difficulties of immigration and the challenges faced by refugees? “Everyone has the power to make a difference.