Triumph and Tragedy

As we come to the climax of the Lenten Season, Fr. Soney Sebastian, SVD, invites us to see Holy Week as a unit – suffering, death, resurrection of Jesus and the sending of the Holy Spirit on the disciples.

Triumph – as Jesus enters Jerusalem on a donkey, he is greeted with Hosannas and waving of palms by a large number of people. But there are also those who want to arrest him. Jesus proceeded on his journey to Jerusalem.

Hence, the Tragedy – Jesus is condemned to death, scourged and forced to carry his cross to Calvary.
Fr. Soney takes us through the Last Supper, the Garden, the trial…and the way of the cross. This is not just for us to admire Jesus but to learn – to walk in his footsteps. It is an invitation of peace, freedom and happiness.

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