Michael Donaldson is the Senior Director for the Office of Life, Justice and Peace with the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. The archdiocese is the largest diocese in the country and fifth largest in the nation. Michael focuses on several Social Concerns (life issues) that are deeply affecting our world today such as racism, immigration, abortion, homelessness, suicide, and many other issues that arise. It is Michael’s desire to “spark connectivity.” His work achieves this by impacting the oppressed and needy by providing resources and training to parish leaders. He asks the questions of what is needed and how to best accompany and journey with each person they support. Do you wish to be challenged? Do you wish to build a healthy family environment? Do you wish to transform our culture into a making a positive impact? Then we hope you will watch more of our show and share it with your family and friends because we need to walk with each other everyday and see Christ in each other.