We all admire firefighters. They protect us and save us. There are also firefighters who want to bring us to Jesus.In this interview by Fr. Mike, we discover that Tommy Neiman is just such a firefighter. Tommy has been a fireman for over 28 years. He has made it into a real spiritual ministry. While dealing with horrific tragedies, and sometimes death, he is sensitive to the needs of the victims and their families and often brings comfort
and peace to them that go well beyond the physical.Tommy talks about his experiences “in the heat of the moment”. He has many stories to tell, especially of one man whom he hadn’t seen for 17 years. Besides all this, Tommy is Florida’s Director of the Fellowship of Christian Firefighters, a national organization. In this capacity he has spoken at over 400 churches in the nation.
Toward the end of the interview, Fr. Mike asks Tommy about his greatest fear and his greatest joy.You will want to see Saving Sirens to hear his answers!