You’re living your life as a Catholic, but you don’t have fire. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you had the fire that couldn’t be extinguished?
Maria Vadia has that fire. But she didn’t always have it, not until she was 37 years old. So there is hope for all of us!
In this interview of Maria by Fr. Mike, they talk about her journey and how this happened to her. There was something missing in her life…she had everything but still felt empty.
Then Pope John Paul II came to Miami in the midst of a terrible thunderstorm. The event was cancelled but Maria received a very special gift. She felt deep joy and happiness in her heart. She joined a charismatic prayer group and hasn’t been the same since!
Maria even started visiting a home for the homeless with Aids and brought them the message of God’s love for them, repentance, forgiveness and real healing.
Catch the fire of Maria Vadia by watching God’s Ambassador.