We have to make choices every day. There are many things out there reaching out to us and saying “This is the answer!” In Embracing God, Fr. Mike is bold enough to say that he has the answer for us! He explains the two worlds in which we live. The one world, the secular world, has many enticements, luring us to buy more things, to invest our money in a certain thing, even to find a partner for life. There are many “Choose Me” calls. And, many times, we do make the choice. Sometimes our choices are tainted with selfishness or they are based on jealousy, or revenge or a hunger for power. When this happens, we soon find out that it is never enough and it doesn’t last. Fr. Mike then goes on to explain another world – the community of believers. There is a bond here, a different connection where we call God someone we love. We are called to love our neighbors as ourselves. He further elaborates on this world. But the important question is : Which world do we choose? He uses two examples from the Bible to illustrate this choice. One is from Joshua 24:14-15 and the other from the Gospel of John 6:51-57. Fr. Mike ends by challenging us to make a choice for God TODAY!.