Poverty is all around us, in this country and around the world Is there anyone out there who cares? Marlene Merrill is one who cares very much. In this interview with Fr. Mike, she tells him a little of her family background and how she became involved in community action. She herself had gone through job loss so she understands those who are in that same boat experiencing the humiliation and devastation as a person. So there is real understanding when she meets them. She also realizes that distributing food, giving gas cards or clothing vouchers is helping countless numbers of people. Her organization uses an “army” of volunteers to help pack the food, etc. Sometimes these volunteers are simply trying to stay afloat themselves, but come to help others. She says “You can’t put a dollar value on what you get back when you serve others.” It is wonderful to know that this kind of service is going on around us when poverty is so rampant.