What do horses, bows and arrows, swimming and having a good time have to do with God? In this interview, Ray Lopez, Camp Director of the St. Vincent de Paul Camp near Santa Barbara, explains how young people who have never had a camping experience learn so much in this summer program.Ray went with Fr. Mike to Smokey Mountain in the Philippines about ten years ago. He says that it really changed his life. Now he works with kids who come from difficult situations. This summer camp helps them grow in self-esteem while having good old fashioned fun and really finding out that God loves them. Some of them have never been outside their own homes, let alone do the wonderful activities that are available to them. The theme of the first day is GDMJ – God Doesn’t Make Junk. This is re-enforced each day with activities, as well as the role modeling of the devoted counselors. Ray also tells moving personal stories of two of the campers.