Two new interviews were taped at Wordnet Productions on 16th January. One of the interviews was with Edgardo Juarez, Director and Berenice Villa, Programs Coordinator of Ministry with Young Catholics of San Bernardino Diocese. They shared about some of the great concerns among the youth today like drug, alcohol addictions and gang problem. There is also a growing number of suicides among the youth today. They also shared about what the ministry does and how they work with parishes in the diocese to combat these problems. Roberto Cervantes a former gang member gave his testimony about how he was able to escape from the gang and use his natural talent of painting and art to promote faith. During his former life as gang member he used this for graffiti and gang related paintings.

Deacon Jim Vargas during the second interview shared about Father Joe’s Village in San Diego. Jim Vargas the President of Father Joe’s Village shared about the growing concern of the homeless today and our responsibility to be of help to eradicate it from our cities. He shared about the many challenges that Joe’s Village faces today as well as the progress they have been able to make to create a difference in the society. The interviews were hosted by Jack Knight. Look out for them in the coming months.
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