Healing Wounded Emotions
You will find advice in this book to help you live more freely, more fully. You will discover within yourself a vast and untapped reservoir of spiritual and emotional well-being. (Available in English AND Spanish.)
Healing Wounded Relationships
Provides insights and spiritual nurture, along with practical, caring, and experienced help needed for growth in your relationships with God, others, and yourself. $ 14.95 plus S/H
The Exodus Experience: A Healing Journey for the Divorced, Separated and Widowed
THE EXODUS EXPERIENCE provides a healing journey for the Divorced, Separated and Widowed. Father notes that Divorce is not just an emotional tragedy but also a financial disaster. I must know that the Lord will hear me and deliver me. “Out of the depths I cry to you, Lord.” We must realize that the divorce experience takes a good four or five years for healing. Let Father Martin take you through the five stages from divorce to healing. (1 CD, 66 minutes)
Parenting With Power
PARENTING WITH POWER: The family is in trouble! 50% of marriages end in divorce! Teenagers are having babies!! Many times the major influence on children is from outside the home—rap music—friends—the internet, etc. Listen to Father Martin as he discusses the need for parents who can truly guide their children to become self-reliant adults and explains the five major areas for parenting. (1 CD, 79 minutes)
Cómo Sanar Sentimientos Heridos
Encontrarás consejos en este libro para aydarte vivir más libremente, más plenamente. Descubrirás dentro de ti un vasto deópsito de bienestar spiritual y emocional sin explotar.
Cómo Sanar Relaciones Heridas
Proporciona ideas y nurición spiritual, junto con la ayuda parática, compresiva y experimentada necesaria para el crecimiento en sus realciones con Dios, los demás y usted.
Cómo Sanar Relaciones y Sentimientos Heridos
Cuando ocurre una separación las emociones son heridas. Martin H. Padovani no solo nos ofrece una recta curative, sino que también nos Brinda una valiosa ayuda psicológica y espirtual.