Our new Bishop Alberto Rojas of the San Bernardino Diocese celebrated a special Eucharist for the religious men and women in the Diocese on the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, streamed from Wordnet Studios. On this, his first visit to Wordnet, the Bishop was assisted by Fr. Biju Thomas, SVD, President.
Sr. Mary Francis Coleman, RSM, Director of the Office of Consecrated life, welcomed everyone to the celebration and thanked Bishop Rojas for his support of the missionary endeavors of the religious in the Diocese. She memorialized the religious who passed away in 2020 and congratulated those celebrating Jubilees this year. Following the homily, Sister guided the over 200 viewing religious to renew their vows.

Bishop Rojas thanked all the religious in the diocese for their contribution and charism. “Thank you for who you are and for doing what you do,” he said. He had a special word of appreciation for all the Sisters, crediting them for his own religious formation as a child. Citing their commitment and dedication, he said, “All my teachers were religious Sisters and they taught me about God’s love,” he said with joy. “The best Catholic schools in my home town were managed by religious Sisters . . . As these sisters have made a difference in MY life, I am sure many of you can share a similar story. All of you Sisters and Brothers are bearers of light.”
Before the Dismissal Rite, the Bishop asked for prayers for his work and especially for more vocations to consecrated life. He congratulated the 2021 Jubilarians and remembered those who have passed on. He then sang a song, “El Silencio Está Cantando-Silence is Singing,” dedicating it to the consecrated women and men of the Diocese. Fr. Biju concluded the event thanking the Bishop for his visit to Wordnet.